God’s heartbeat is care. When we—as his people—care, we display him to the world.

You don’t have to struggle alone. We want to help you.
Prayer is powerful and effective. Did you know that our prayer team prays weekly for the requests submitted by our New City Family? We would be honored to walk along side you in prayer. Your requests can remain anonymous if you prefer. If you are part of the New City Family, please use this link to submit your prayer requests and praise reports.
Counseling Resources
We recognize that there is an ongoing mental health crisis in our community, both in our congregations and beyond. We have established partnerships with counselors in the Charlotte area and can connect you or your loved ones with a counselor. We also have financial resources to assist those who need it.
Care Groups



Men's Pure Desire Group
Moving On After Moving In

Parent Grace Group
Do you need to talk with someone?
If you would like to meet with someone within our church, our New City pastors are available to meet, listen, pray, and offer spiritual guidance. We are available digitally via Zoom or other applications.
Pastoral Care Fund
If you or someone you know is struggling financially, we offer a fund specifically dedicated to helping meet the essential needs of those who call New City their home and are facing financial difficulties.

Care Teams
Our Care Teams serve those in our congregations facing particular struggles. Join a Care Team here.
You don't have to walk alone. As followers of Jesus, we know we are called to care for one another by showing up in each other's lives, carrying each other's burdens, and diligently praying for each other. That's who we desire to be at New City because we know that's how Jesus lived for us.