Mission & Beliefs
Our purpose as a church comes from Jesus’ command to make disciples.

New City is a family of congregations helping people find and follow Jesus here, near, and far.

a family of congregations
We are talking about our way of organizing multiple locations to fulfill our New City mission. We are a federation of interconnected congregations under the common governance, mission, and leadership of New City Church.
helping people find and follow Jesus
We mean our focus is on discipleship for those who do not know Jesus and those who already do. This is how we communicate and participate in the work of Matthew 28:18–20.

here, near, and far
We are talking about the scope of our work here in the south Charlotte area near our current locations, near us in the greater Charlotte Metro area, and far around the world with global outposts and a focus on East Africa.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Our Values:
Jesus is our King.
We have a King, and his name is Jesus. He is the King of Kings with authority and dominion over all things.
Community is our design.
God said together is better. Our love for one another reflects Jesus’ love for the world.
Servant Leadership is our offering.
The greatest gift we can give to our city and world is our servant leaders.
People are our passion.
God loves people. We exist to see people connected to God through Jesus and equipped to follow him with their lives.
Our Beliefs:
New City Church is part of the Evangelical Free Church of America, an association of 1,600 congregations united around a Statement of Faith.
Our Statement of Faith addresses what we believe about God, the Bible, the Human Condition, Jesus Christ, the Work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, Christian Living, Christ’s Return, and humankind’s Response and Eternal Destiny. It has been shaped by the Bible and the historic creeds of the Church.
We pray for our local and national political leaders while recognizing that as citizens of Christ’s kingdom, his rule and reign transcend all other partisan ideologies.
Marriage is the original and foundational institution of human society and is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church. The divine design for sexual expression is within the commitment of marriage between a man and woman.
We treat those who struggle between biological sex and gender identity with love and compassion and seek to help them with the truth and power of the gospel, toward the wholeness of a biologically-sexed identity grounded in God’s “very good” design in creation as male and female.
Human sexuality is a good gift of God but all of human existence, including our sexuality, has been deeply damaged by the fall of Genesis 3. Heterosexual activity outside of marriage and homosexual behavior are condemned as sin in the Bible.
Human beings deserve to be treated with dignity and respect as bearers of God’s image. We aim to demonstrate this in our thoughts, speech, and behavior and oppose any mistreatment of those who identify as LGBTQ. New City is welcoming but not affirming of actions outside of God’s good and loving plans for us.