Moms and Babies Playgroup
Moms of babies through preschool! Join us in the winter for playgroup, a place where moms can navigate the joys and challenges of early motherhood in authentic community.
Playgroup for moms and little ones will meet on the 2nd Thursday at New City SouthPark and the 4th Thursday (off-site) from 9:30–11:00 am.
Two groups of moms and babies will meet in separate spaces: first time moms with newborns through 1 year; and Moms of toddlers through preschool.
We'll meet on preschool Hall A; moms of newborns in E1 and moms of toddlers-preschoolers in E6.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Becca Fouts and Victoria Ferreira.
Playgroup Schedule
Spring Dates
Thursday, March 13 - New City SouthPark
Thursday, March 27 - All Star Gym
Thursday, April 10 - New City SouthPark
Thursday, April 12 - Moms Only Outing (Location TBD)
Thursday, April 24 - Marvin Efird Park (8909 New Town Rd, Waxhaw, NC 28173)
Thursday, May 2 - End of Year Celebration (Location TBD)