Together with our partners, we bring the new life of Jesus to our world in practical, strategic and generous ways.

Abera is sent out by SIM's East African Sending Office to spread the gospel among the unreached and to mobilize the church among the reached. For security purposes, location not disclosed.

New City partners with All Nations in Hamburg, Germany, and Kampala, Uganda, to support their work of reaching the most neglected people with the gospel and love of Christ.

Bob serves with CEDE SPORTS as COO and head of CEDE SPORTS Churches. A few of his responsibilites include developing and implementing the ministry vision, overseeing staff, coaching partner churches, and raising funds for the ministry.

Brian leads the EFCA's global mission, ReachGlobal, as Executive Vice President of International Ministries, overseeing the mission's international work in forty countries around the world.

CIFW equips and encourages Christians to live fully integrated lives of faith in their workplaces and communities.

The Porters have served with Athletes in Action for more than two decades. Currently, Chris leads the stewardship department of AIA and is the football chaplain at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte. Amber is a certified Enneagram coach and helps with staff growth and development.

Colleen is a Nurse Staff Minister with Nurses Christian Fellowship (part of InterVarsity). She leads the Charlotte NCF group, encouraging and equipping other nurses in their calling.

Common Heart works to eradicate food insecurity and to help create sustainable community where their neighbors can thrive.

Compassion International is committed to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. New City partners with Compassion to empower local churches to provide care to children in poverty.

CFK mobilizes churches and individuals to act as champions for kids in the foster care system.

David is a maintenance instructor at JAARS, evaluating new personnel and training them before they move overseas. He provides occasional overseas field support as well.

Doug serves as Associate Director for Wycliffe Global Alliance Americas with a particular focus on Brazil. Ruth supports through administration, translation, and finances.

The Boones live in the Democratic Republic of Congo, serving with Wycliffe BIble Translators. Douglas is Team Leader for the Strategic Research team, and Jennings is a Translation Consultant.

Edify offers access to training, loan capital, and educational technology to Christian schools around the globe.

Located in Kampala, Uganda, Esayas is an African director with SIM for the African Strategic Discipleship Movement (ASDM). His wife, Tsige Bale, is counsels the wives of the African leaders trained by the ASDM.

FARM127 seeks to equip, encourage, disciple, and empower young adults toward purposeful, productive lives as they transition out of the foster care system.

The ForCLT Network unites churches around Charlotte for the transformation of our city.

Freedom Communities seeks family-centered community transformation and upward mobility along the Freedom Drive corridor in West Charlotte.

Greenway Park is a PreK–5th grade creative arts and sciences magnet located just north of New City Matthews on Monroe Rd.

Hiinga helps finance East African entreprenuers in agriculture, education, and healthcare. New City has specifically come alongside Hiinga to help build a new hospital in Kampala, Uganda.

New City partners with IBAC to provide biblical training to pastors and church leaders in Costa Rica.

Idlewild Elementary serves students from more than 40 countries whose families have made a home in East Charlotte.

Isaiah 117 House provides physical and emotional support to children in the foster care system who are awaiting placement with a family. New City partners with the York County, SC, location.

The Israel Video Project is a half-hour TV program broadcast through the Bible Discovery TV networks to help the Church re-learn the importance of supporting Israel, both theologically and practically. The project's founder is New City's guide for tour of Israel trips.

The Hardings serve with SIM-USA, focusing on networking and developing partnerships to advance the cause of Christ in Ethiopia and beyond. They have been missionaries for more than 40 years.

The Craigs live and serve in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. John is a construction manager—building everything from roads to buildings to relationships—and Kristi is an art teacher at the local international school.

The Flanegans are missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Kirk is a relational fundraiser for the organization, and Cindy works at the JAARS boutique in Waxhaw.

Matt is a pastoral apprentice at Christ Presbyterian Church of Fairfield (Connecticut). This includes attending seminary and running campus ministry at Sacred Heart University while also apprenticing in a variety of ministries at the local church.

Monte is Director of Short Term Ministries for SIM USA, overseeing the team sending teams and individuals serving for one week to one year. Andrea is Global Director of Mission Engagement for SIM International, overseeing missionary sending from more than 65 countries around the world.

Place of Peace is our ministry at the Ashley Place apartments in East Charlotte. At Place of Peace we connect with the community through homework helps, ESL classes, and gatherings and activities for families and kids.

Progressive Ministries is a Christ-centered orphanage and school in Kabale, Uganda addressing the physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs of more than 180 children from K–7th grade.

Rick is Missionary Athletes International's Director of International Tours, overseeing the international short-term missions for each of their locations.

The Spellmans have been missionaries with ReachGlobal for more than 30 years. They live in Brazil, and Steve currently serves on the regional leadership team. He is a mentor and coach to church plants/church planters in his region, and facilitates partnership development between Brazilian/regional partners and U.S. partners.

The Heffields work with JAARS. Terry, an engineer, designs & implements modifications to their planes to make them safer and more useful. Cheri manages the receptionists for the JAARS Center in Waxhaw.

TTI partners with local leaders in some of the least reached areas of the world to train disciple makers and church planters.

UrbanPromise Charlotte develops leaders and provides educational, spiritual, and social support for children in at-risk communities with a vision of transforming communities for Christ. New City partners with the UP East location.